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Brocure, Poster, Bulletin, Tabloit, Newspaper, Catalogue, Books, Magazine, Product Sheet, Website


Printing Factors

Masukin kode PPC seperti Adsense, Kliksaya, dan apapun jika tidak mau hapus saja ini

Printing Factors to Consider

There is a lot to consider when choosing the right paper for printing. Paper quality should never be taken for granted or else you might lose the whole printing factor. Some designers don't give much consideration in the kind of paper they are going to use. This is not so tolerable because in the first place quality is being risked. There are some important factors to consider. Opacity is very important. This talks about the transparency in inks. When your paper quality is low, the more it is transparent. Transparency matters because visibility makes sense.

Of course thickness must be observed. Papers have different weights and standards. For covers, it requires a heavier weight of paper. The heavier it is, the more expensive it gets. If postcard printing is your style, choose a thick quality paper. Poor quality or thin postcards might wear out easily. Sometimes due to mailing hassles, they get distorted and for sure your customer would not appreciate it. Who would appreciate your brochures if at first look it makes you want to look for something else?

Did you ever think brightness will still be considered? If you think it's not, it does matter. Paper quality causes some lighting effects. Glossy paper appears to be mirror-like and sometimes it does not help a lot. Some people are too particular they might not like the light-shiny effect. You should keep it not so shimmering so that it will not look iridescent in daylight. Keeping it simple with a little glossy effect will make it readable.

Strength takes all weaknesses away. You should understand that keeping your brochures, catalogs tough and enduring will set a high standard to your prints. Keeping prints that can stand for a long time is something that you should be proud of. It is not certain for a print material to stand for a long time considering the packaging, keeping and other outside factors.

Sometimes keeping a copy of your old printed materials is good so that you can have a reference when you want to change your style and design. You might not know keeping it counts a lot in the future. Keeping these factors all together will make your print materials attractive and successful. Just keep in mind that one works for the other so if you lose a part, all will not function well.

Glossary and Terminology Printing

Masukin kode PPC seperti Adsense, Kliksaya, dan apapun jika tidak mau hapus saja ini

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